Insured, secure Will Storage & Updates

After carefully planning how your estate is to be handled, it is imperative that your will remains safe, easy to find and current, reflecting changes that may occur over time. Our secure Will Storage & Updates Service is the perfect solution!

Will Storage & Updates
Will Storage & Updates

Do I really need Will Storage & Updates?

Firstly, when the time comes, as well as being able to find the Will easily, it is important that it is in immaculate condition. If it has been damaged at all over the years, delays can be caused if its validity needs to be determined by a court.

By selecting to choose Futura Planning’s fully insured, secure Will Storage & Updates Service, you benefit in a number of ways:

  • You can rest assured that your legal documents are safely stored in dedicated, secure fire-proof premises.
  • You receive storage certificates so your executors know how to access your Will when required.
  • All documents are scanned and added to a database for added security.
  • Make unlimited updates to your Will as required at no additional cost.

We are fully qualified members of  The Society of Will Writers and as such, you can be assured of receiving a professional service.

Keeping your Will up-to-date

Many people assume that after their Will has been written and signed, that’s an end to the matter. However, this is not necessarily the case. Because life is full of unexpected events, it is helpful to be able to keep your will reflecting your current wishes which is where Futura Planning’s Will Storage & Updates Service comes in.

That is to say changes may occur over time. Here are a few reasons people update their Wills:


  • You marry or divorce
  • New additions to the family or the loss of loved ones
  • A dispute with family members
  • Names changing owing to marriage or divorce
  • Beneficiaries moving house
Will Storage & Updates
Will Storage and Updates

If you pass away without a Will…

Many believe that, upon their passing, their belongings will automatically go to their chosen beneficiaries. However, this is frequently not the case. Your family may have to deal with unexpected problems such as:

Unmarried partner gets nothing

Unnecessary Inheritance Tax

A court decides who raises children

Delays in administration

Family conflicts

Children from first marriage disinherited

Keeping current with our Will Storage & Update Service is easy

Will Storage & Updates - Simple Amendments

Simple amendments

For simple changes, you can calls us and our friendly team can attend to the changes according to your directions.

Will Storage & Updates - Complicated Amendments

Complicated amendments

You may prefer to make more complex changes to your Will by arranging an in-person consultation.

Will Storage & Updates - I need to make further changes

I need to make further changes!

This is fine. With our Will Storage and Update service, you can make unlimited updates with no additional costs. (Subject to a fair use policy)

Will Storage & Updates

What is a Will?

A Will, officially known as a Last Will & Testament, is a vital legal document that details how you wish to distribute your possessions after you pass away. Your possessions can include your property, money, and sentimental items. Furthermore, a Will designates an individual to oversee the distribution of your assets, specifies your funeral plans, and names guardians for any minor children you may have.

Drafting a Will is a crucial measure to safeguard your desires, guarantee that your legacy is managed thoughtfully, and provide for the well-being of your loved ones. This provides you with peace of mind. Having taken the time and care to prepare a Will to reflect your wishes, if you choose to take up Futura Planning’s Will Storage & Updates service, you can make changes as necessary to reflect changes that occur over time.