Safeguard your estate with Will Trusts

Strengthen your choices further with Family & Property Trusts. These protect assets and add flexibility, ensuring loved ones inherit as you intend.

Family & Property Trusts
Family & Property Trusts

What is a Will Trust?

Our Family & Property Trusts are legal arrangements in your Will.

For example, Will Trusts can have different uses depending on your particular circumstances:

  • Safeguard your home with a Property Protection Trust in your Will.
  • Maximise flexibility with a Discretionary Trust.
  • Protect all your assets and provide for your surviving partner with a Flexible Life Interest Trust.
  • Ensure provision for a disabled person with a Vulnerable Person’s Trust in your Will.


Confused about Family & Property Trusts?

This might all sound a little confusing! Rest assured, during your consultation, we discuss your particular circumstances together with what you are looking to achieve. We can then guide you through the process to make a Family or Property Trust as simply as we can. If Family & Property Trusts are not the most appropriate option for your needs, we can explore alternative options that will meet your needs.

Family & Property Trusts

Protect their inheritance with a Trust within your Will

Family & Property Trusts - Book an Appointment

1. Book an Appointment

Contact us and our friendly team can arrange an appointment at a time and date to suit your diary.

Family & Property Trusts - Discuss your situation

2. Discuss your situation

Through discussing your circumstances and aims, our highly trained professional can advise on the available options when we make your Will Trust.

Family & Property Trusts - We draft your Will Trust to sign

3. We draft your Will Trust to Sign

Once you are happy that we have decided on the best solution for your needs, to proceed, we will prepare the documents for you to sign & witness.

Do I need Family & Property Trusts?

Not necessarily. That is to say it really depends on your circumstances and what you are looking to achieve.  We always begin with a general chat about you and your aims. To sum up, there may be more than one suitable option, so we can explore those. Property Protection Trusts and Family Trusts can be adapted to meet the needs of you and your estate.

We are fully qualified members of  The Society of Will Writers and as such, you can be assured of receiving a professional service.

Family & Property Trusts
Family & Property Trusts

Having a simple Will might not always be the best option for you

Using Family & Property Trusts such as a Property Protection Trust or a Family Trust within your Will allows extra control and protection. Because life can have unexpected events, preparing with a Trust Will protects assets, whilst adding flexibility. Our intention is to explain the options to allow you to make an informed decision.

Your surviving partner remarries, disinheriting the children's

Should you require care, it could result in nothing being left to inherit

You're unmarried so pay more Inheritance Tax

Gifts are at risk if beneficiaries divorce or become bankrupt

Your beneficiary has a disability or receives means-tested benefits

Children are disinherited

Family & Property Trusts

What is a Will?

A Will, officially known as a Last Will & Testament, is a vital legal document that details how you wish to distribute your possessions after you pass away. Your possessions can include your property, money, and sentimental items. Furthermore, a Will designates an individual to oversee the distribution of your assets, specifies your funeral plans, and names guardians for any minor children you may have.

Drafting a Will is a crucial measure to safeguard your desires, guarantee that your legacy is managed thoughtfully, and provide for the well-being of your loved ones. This provides you with peace of mind. Whether exploring a simple Will, or discussing using Family & Property Trusts to serve your needs, we want to help you with the option most suited to you.